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Resource Category: Retirement and Savings

Long-term savings and retirement benefits are both major components of wealth accumulation. But due to long-standing economic disparities, families of color, especially Black and Latino families, tend to have lower access to investible sums of money. And because our retirement system relies heavily on employer contributions, lower-wage workers tend to also have weaker retirement security.

Resource Summaries

Article February 2024

Wealth Inequality by Age / Wealth Inequality by Race and Ethnicity in the Post-Pandemic Era

By Rajashri Chakrabarti, Natalia Emanuel, and Ben Lahey

In this two-part series on wealth inequality out of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the authors work to understand how net worth has changed for Americans during and coming out of the pandemic. Expanding on Survey of Consumer Finances data by linking individual level records to financial accounts, the series’ charts the growth in net worth from 2019 through the first half of 2023 across age as well as race and ethnicity.

In this two-part series on wealth inequality out of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the authors work to understand how net worth has changed for Americans during and coming out of the pandemic. Expanding on Survey of Consumer Finances data by linking individual level records to financial accounts, the series’ charts the growth in net worth from 2019 through the first half of 2023 across age as well as race and ethnicity.

In Wealth Inequality by Age in the Post-Pandemic Era, they find that wealth grew most rapidly for 18-39 year-olds, driven mostly by appreciation of individual business assets. Though these equities are more volatile, the authors suggest that individuals further from retirement may be more likely to invest in them due to the potential for increased returns. Still, they are not able to definitively say why this shift towards equities occurred. Older age groups, by contrast, held larger shares in mutual funds, which tended to be more stable over this period.

Understanding change in wealth by race and ethnicity is more complicated, as the authors find that while net worth for all racial groups (in Racial and Ethnic Wealth Inequality in the Post-Pandemic Era), grew in the first year of the pandemic, this growth quickly slowed for Black individuals by late 2022, and has since reversed itself and fallen below 2019 levels of wealth by the end of the first half of 2023. These data stand in contrast to findings presented by the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), which suggest that net worth grew for all groups over a similar period. However, the latest SCF data was collected from March through December of 2022, which may have masked more rapid shifts evidenced in these datasets. Indeed, the inclusion of wealth data from the first half of 2023 is a new addition to our understanding of wealth not available in the SCF.

‘Read More’ link directs you to “Part 1: Racial and Ethnic Wealth Inequality in the Post-Pandemic Era”

Summary February 2023

The Older Workers and Retirement Chartbook

By Monique Morrissey, Siavash Radpour, Barbara Schuster

This detailed chartbook from the Economic Policy Institute analyzes inequality in access to retirement plans for older Americans, disaggregating data by income, race, educational attainment, and gender. The authors also distinguish between higher-quality pension plans, where specific benefit levels are guaranteed in retirement (e.g. defined benefit plans), and lower-quality 401(k) style plans, which depend more on voluntary contributions from employees.

This detailed chartbook from the Economic Policy Institute analyzes inequality in access to retirement plans for older Americans, disaggregating data by income, race, educational attainment, and gender. The authors also distinguish between higher-quality pension plans, where specific benefit levels are guaranteed in retirement (e.g. defined benefit plans), and lower-quality 401(k) style plans, which depend more on voluntary contributions from employees.

The authors find that high-earning workers are three times as likely as low-earning workers to have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan. These disparities also play out along racial lines, with Black and Hispanic workers less likely than white workers to participate in an employer retirement plan.

Another important finding is that older Black workers are actually more likely than others to participate in traditional defined benefit retirement plans. These higher-quality plans are more common in unionized public sector jobs, and this is one area of the economy where Black workers are a bit more represented in proportion to the overall population. Public sector union jobs have provided a rare opportunity for Black workers to enter the middle class and enjoy some baseline retirement security.

Summary January 2022

Seeds of Equity: Fostering Inclusivity in Children’s Savings Account Programs

By Madeline Smith-Gibbs, Rebecca Loya

This paper from the Institute on Economic and Racial Equity at Brandeis University provides a landscape scan of dozens of Children’s Savings Account programs that have emerged at the state and local level across the United States.

The authors compare different enrollment procedures, which can be critical in driving participation, and find that automatic enrollment of all eligible kids, rather than an opt-in approach, increases program participation. Boston Saves, the one local program in their analysis, does automatically enroll kids.

This paper from the Institute on Economic and Racial Equity at Brandeis University provides a landscape scan of dozens of Children’s Savings Account programs that have emerged at the state and local level across the United States.

The authors compare different enrollment procedures, which can be critical in driving participation, and find that automatic enrollment of all eligible kids, rather than an opt-in approach, increases program participation. Boston Saves, the one local program in their analysis, does automatically enroll kids.

The authors also identify common barriers to full inclusion, including a lack of trust in financial institutions, language barriers, and a lack of familiarity with financial products. This research demonstrates that well-designed CSA programs can be one tool for encouraging children to develop financial literacy and start planning for their futures, but as designed this research does not provide evidence that these programs have any measurable long-term wealth building benefits.

More On This Topic

Report 2024

Inequality and Insecurity in Retirement: Racial disparities in retirement plan coverage, assets and adequacy in the U.S. and Massachusetts

By Hope Bodenschatz and Jeffrey Thompson, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Aja Kennedy and Luc Schuster, Boston Indicators.

ReadInequality and Insecurity in Retirement: Racial disparities in retirement plan coverage, assets and adequacy in the U.S. and Massachusetts on Boston Indicators
Report 2024

Racial Wealth Gains and Gaps: Nine Facts About the Disparities

By Kristen Broady, Anthony Barr, Darlene Booth-Bell, and Lucas Cain

ReadRacial Wealth Gains and Gaps: Nine Facts About the Disparities on Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Article 2024

Racial and Ethnic Wealth Inequality in the Post‑Pandemic Era

By By Rajashri Chakrabarti, Natalia Emanuel, and Ben Lahey

ReadRacial and Ethnic Wealth Inequality in the Post‑Pandemic Era on Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Article 2024

Wealth Inequality by Age in the Post‑Pandemic Era

By Rajashri Chakrabarti, Natalia Emanuel, and Ben Lahey

ReadWealth Inequality by Age in the Post‑Pandemic Era on Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Article 2023

Recent Evolution of Retirement Readiness for Blacks and Hispanics

By Edward N. Wolff, as reported by Abby Hiller

ReadRecent Evolution of Retirement Readiness for Blacks and Hispanics on National Bureau of Academic Research
Report 2021

A New Look at Racial Disparities Using a More Comprehensive Wealth Measure

By Jeffrey P. Thompson and Alice Henriques Volz

ReadA New Look at Racial Disparities Using a More Comprehensive Wealth Measure on Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Report 2018

Quick Guide to CSA Research: An Overview of Evidence on Children’s Savings Accounts

ReadQuick Guide to CSA Research: An Overview of Evidence on Children’s Savings Accounts on Prosperity Now
Report 2018

The Racialized Costs of Banking

By Jacob Faber, Terri Friedline

ReadThe Racialized Costs of Banking on NEW AMERICA